- Nutritious, vegan protein powder meal replacement shake with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a full serving of vegetables and fruit blend extracts; Contains soil-based probiotics to restore gut health. Lean Meal provides all your macros: clean protein, healthy fat, and complex carbs
- Natural energy from lychee fruit extract, functional mushrooms, organic green coffee bean, organic cinnamon, MCT oil, and B12 – methylcobalamin all formulated into an easily digestible organic protein powder.
- Made with the best plant-based ingredients like organic pea protein powder that fuels your body and leaves you feeling satisfied. Use as a pre or post workout recovery drink to keep your body running the way it should.
- Rays your vibe with Sunwarrior’s sugar-free, soy-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, meal replacement powder; Just mix into water, your favorite milk, or your favorite smoothie mix.
Category: Vegan Proteins
Tags: organic, plant-based, vegan
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